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新冠肺炎: 能否启动业务中断保险

Introduction To curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Malaysian Government has imposed the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) with effect from 18 March 2020. On 10 April 2020, the Malaysian Government announced that the MCO is further extended to 28 April 2020. Under the MCO, most businesses are not allowed to operate from their […]



With so much uncertainty in these times and the upheaval caused to commerce, it may be timely to consider a legal issue which would now arise in many transactions. If there is a breach of contract and the contract provides for a certain sum to be paid/forfeited in the event of a breach, can the […]


振兴经济配套 (PRIHATIN)

Our article dated  23.3.2020 discusses the right of employers to rationalise manpower. On 6 April 2020, the Government announced an improved Stimulus Package, largely targeted towards small and medium sized enterprises (SME) that are economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There are three categories:- Wage Subsidy Program, which provides subsidies to employers to continue the […]



The dust has settled on the right of an employee to pay during the RMO. What remains to be seen is the impact of the turbulence caused by COVID–19 to the financial health of the employer. One week into the RMO, employers hit hard by cessation in business and productivity are exploring ways to cut […]



With the continuing rise in the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide declared to be a pandemic by WHO, the movement of anyone in Malaysia, like many other countries, has been restricted following the announcement by the Prime Minister of the implementation of a Movement Control Order (“MCO“). The Government of Malaysia had gazetted the Prevention […]



On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation has made its assessment and announced that COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic. The world has since then sighted its first pandemic caused by coronavirus. With over 1 million confirmed cases across the globe as of today, the outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted nearly every industry […]



Everyone is aware that the current times are difficult and unprecedented. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various challenges to businesses with some of them (in unfortunate circumstances) potentially resorting to exit the market. Despite the array of measures and financial reliefs introduced by the Government, businesses regardless of their size and form struggle to survive. […]


知识产权和马来西亚限行令 – 如何影响正在等待申请/注册的商标,专利和工业品外观设计。

Further to our client alert dated on 31st March 2020, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (“MyIPO”) has issued a further directive pursuant to the extension of Movement Control Order (“MCO”) to 14th April 2020 by the Malaysian Government as follows:- Manual filing of trademark applications which involve claiming of priority date falling within 18th March 2020 […]


新冠肺炎: 对企业的影响,救济措施与机制。

It now goes without saying that the calamitous outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has roiled businesses around the world. Malaysia, too, is not spared. In many countries, while measures are put in place to contain the spread of the virus, relief measures are being introduced/implemented to assist individuals and help businesses stay afloat. 2.    […]


新冠肺炎与限行令: 建筑项目延迟

The COVID-19 outbreak worldwide has been a bane to the construction industry in Malaysia. Firstly, the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) imposed by the Malaysian Government has instantly halted ongoing construction works nationwide. The MCO was first announced on 16 March 2020 and it was to take effect from 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020. […]
