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Taylor’s Law School Awards

Solidifying our firm’s commitment to education excellence and collaboration with the academia, our Senior Partner – Mr Jal Othman has attended the Taylor’s Law School Academic Awards Ceremony with the theme “The Leap from Academia to Practice” on 25th March, 2016. (Pictured) Mr Jal Othman receiving a token of appreciation from Mr Harmahinder Singh, Dean […]


Dialogue Session: Capitalising on the Growth of Shariah Investing

Shook Lin & Bok has a long-standing relationship with the regulatory bodies to develop and promote the relevant industry and sector. On 24 February 2016, Bursa Malaysia Berhad hosted a Dialogue Session with PLC whereby Mr Jalalullail Othman, Head of our Islamic Finance Department moderated an interactive dialogue session between regulators and industry players (PLC) […]


SSM National Insolvency Conference 2016

On 12 October 2016, the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) hosted a one-day Conference themed as “Companies Bill 2015: Modernising Corporate Insolvency Framework in Malaysia” at Sunway Putra Hotel. The conference brought together SSM and insolvency and legal practitioners from Malaysia and Singapore in an opportune event to exchange knowledge and promote a better understanding […]


Belt & Road Initiative: Dialogue on Arbitration in Beijing

Our partner, Mr Sudharsanan Thillainathan presented on the topic of “Confidentiality v. Transparency (Tensions Within International Arbitration?)” at the international forum entitled “The Belt and Road Initiative: will it change arbitration and ADR?” held on the 9 September 2016 at the V-Continent Beijing Wuzhou Hotel, Beijing. The forum was organised by the Chartered Institute of […]


Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) Industrial Relations Conference 2016

On 26 July 2016, the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) hosted its annual National Industrial Relations Conference. Keynote speech and opening of the conference was by YB Dato’ Mohd Sahar bin Darusman, Deputy Secretary General (Policy & Internal) of the Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR). Conference delegates heard from Chairpersons of the Industrial Court, representatives of […]


3rd MIArb Annual Law Review

On 19 May 2016, the Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators (MIArb) hosted its 3rd Annual Law Review. The Annual Law Review this year was extended to a half-day event which featured leading practitioners, including the firm’s Mr. Lam Ko Luen (Immediate Past President MIArb) and Mr. Sudharsanan Thillainathan (Deputy President, MIArb), who led in-depth discussions on […]


Privacy Law Compliance on Customer Information

During the recently concluded National Credit Conference in Kuala Lumpur, the conference delegates heard from representatives from credit management bureaus, lawyers, policy makers, technology experts and industry consultants on, amongst other things, the challenges that the credit industry is currently facing as well as developments in the law that impact on credit management. One of the […]


How to Manage Multi-Jurisdictional Trademark Disputes in the Asia Pacific Rim

During the recent Inter-Pacific Bar Association 26th Annual Meeting and Conference in Kuala Lumpur which was held from 13 – 16th April, 2016, Michael Soo, Head of our Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Licensing department and Riccardo G. Cajola (Cajola & Associati, Italy), moderated a session entitled, “How to Manage Multi-Jurisdictional Trademark Disputes in the […]
