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Our partner, Dr. Syed Adam Alhabshi, who is from the Islamic Finance Practice Group recently trained Assistant Branch Managers from Agro Bank branches around Malaysia in preparation for their Intermediate Qualification of Islamic Finance (IQIF) – Legal Documentation for Islamic Financing Facilities Course. The IQIF is part of the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia […]


论坛 – 科技金融概述(英文版)

Our partner, Tan Gian Chung, who is also the Deputy Head of the Technology, Multimedia & Telecommunications (TMT) Law department, conducted a 60 minute talk on 18 July 2018 titled An Overview of Fintech, in which he covered topics such as blockchain, crowdfunding, digital banks, insurtech, wealthtech and regtech, current regulation as well as some […]



Shook Lin & Bok was invited to share our knowledge with the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) on 10 July 2018. The half day session entitled ‘Hard Talk on Shariah and Common Law: Islamic Finance Documentation Perspective’ was attended by Shariah researchers from ISRA. Mr Jal Othman, Head of the Firm’s Islamic […]


关于 Nagarajah Muttiah(英文版)

As Shook Lin & Bok comes close to our 100th anniversary, Asian-mena Counsel’s Patrick Dransfield interviewed our managing partner, Mr Nagarajah Muttiah and put to him a series of questions on behalf of the In-House Community. Click on the link below to read the full interview: https://www.inhousecommunity.com/article/thing-nagarajah-muttiah/


傍晚讲座: 税务审查,调查和上诉程序更新(英文版)

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has recently entered into collaborative efforts with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD), the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to enforce a more comprehensive tax audit and investigation framework. Join our Mr Sudharsanan Thillainathan and Ms Tania Edwards in this Evening Talk and be […]


法律醒觉活动 2017(英文版)

Shook Lin & Bok has been invited to share our knowledge on several topics during Genting Group’s Legal Awareness Programme for 2017 at Resorts World Genting on August 9, 2017. The session, attended by personnel from the Group’s middle and senior management, discussed topics that covers both the litigation and commercial aspects of the law. […]


马来西亚仲裁员协会新任委员 2017/2019(英文版)

The Firm congratulates Mr Sudharsanan Thillainathan and Mr Gregory Das on their election as the President and the Vice President of the Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators (MIArb) respectively for the term 2017/2019. MIArb announced the election of new Office Bearers and Ordinary Council Members during its 25th Annual General Meeting held on June 14, 2017. […]



Mr Sudharsanan Thillainathan and Ms Victoria Loi, Partners of the Firm, who are active arbitration and adjudication practitioners, were panelist and moderator respectively at the session entitled “Resolving Construction Disputes through Adjudication (CIPAA)” during the conference on Avoiding and Resolving Construction Disputes. The conference, held on 23 May 2017 was jointly organized by the Malaysian […]



Ms Victoria Loi, a Partner of the Firm was a co-speaker at a seminar on “An Introduction to Arbitration” on 26 May 2017. The other co-speakers were Kevin Prakash and Karen Ng Gek Suan. The seminar was organised by the Professional Development Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute of […]
