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马来西亚建筑法法律与实践, 第五章节:建筑的设计与监督义务

We are delighted to announce that our Partner and the Head of our Building, Construction & Engineering Department, Lam Ko Luen, and Senior Associate, Nina Lai, together with Sr. Dr. Wan Maimun bt Wan Abdullah and Sr. Nik Hasbi Fathi co-authored Chapter 5:  Design and Supervision Obligations in Construction in Law and Practice of Construction Law in Malaysia, part of Sweet & Maxwell’s Malaysian Practice Series.

This publication is the product of a collaborative effort between lawyers and construction industry professionals aimed at addressing both legal and practical challenges in the construction industry in Malaysia with reference to various standard forms of contract commonly adopted, statutory provisions and local cases.

In Chapter 5, Ko Luen, Nina and their learned co-authors discuss design obligations, liability of designers, intellectual property in design, contract administration and supervision as well as negligence in design and supervision in the context of the construction industry in Malaysia.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the General Editor, Mr. Justice Dato’ Lim Chong Fong, and Sweet & Maxwell Malaysia for the opportunity to contribute a chapter in this publication.


The publication is available in print and Proview eBook: http://www.sweetandmaxwellasia.com.my/BookStore/showProduct.asp?countrycode=MLY&id=2940&subjID=&ptab=1&bookstore=0&g=e23t6&ec=QSNBGDKTJJVZSVHOPTPJTNWBOUGRSGXZOXQESGKTESEAAFBPJZEQHDHGOK
