Considering CIPAA Adjudication? Exposed to a CIPAA claim?
Here is what you need to do, as a start.
Answer these questions:
(1) Are you a party to a written construction work contract or construction consultancy contract?
(2) Was the contract entered into on or after 15 April 2014?
(3) (a) Have you (as the contractor / sub-contractor / supplier / sub-supplier / consultant) carried out and/or completed work or rendered services under the said contract but not received payment pursuant to the said contract (i.e. unpaid party)?
(3) (b) Has your contractor / sub-contractor / supplier / sub-supplier / consultant carried out and/or completed work or rendered services under the said contract but you have not made payment pursuant to the said contract (i.e. non-paying party)?
If your answer is YES to Questions (1) – (3) (a) above, you may consider CIPAA adjudication as a means to recover payment.
If your answer is YES to Questions (1) – (3) (b) above, you may be exposed to a CIPAA adjudication claim.
So, what next?
CIPAA adjudication is more often than not a documents-only process i.e. the adjudicator decides the dispute based on the strength of the documents.
In terms of documents, what is required differs from case-to-case but generally,

This alert is intended for general information of the clients of our Firm. It should not be regarded as legal professional advice. If you need advice based on specific facts, please feel free to contact us.
Lam Ko Luen
Partner +603 2031 1788 (ext. 243) |
Victoria Loi
Partner +603 2031 1788 (ext. 360)
Nina Lai
Senior Associate +603 2031 1788 (ext. 402) |
Hoo Yee Huan
Associate +603 2031 1788 (ext. 289)
Jeremy Ooi
Associate +603 2031 1788 (ext. 413) |
Basileia Katheen Chen
Associate +603 2031 1788 (ext. 435)
Ong Kun Sen
Associate +603 2031 1788 (ext. 315) |