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Appointment as member of BNM Financial Stability Exco

Bank Negara Malaysia has announced on 28 November 2016 the appointments of new members to its Financial Stability Executive Committee, ie., Deputy Governor Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour, Datuk Johan Idris and our senior partner and Head of the Banking and Finance Litigation Department, Ms Yoong Sin Min. Our Ms Yoong is one of two external experts who will serve for a three-year term with effect from 3 November 2016. These appointments are in accordance with Section 37(2) of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 (CBA).


Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Sin Min is also an elected council member of the Insolvency Practitioners of Malaysia (iPAM) and has recently been appointed as a member of the Malaysian Central Bank’s Financial Stability Executive Committee for a three-year term with effect from 3 November 2016.
