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国家银行的企业和商业贷款 – 复习工作坊(英文版)

The Human Capital Development Centre of Bank Negara Malaysia recently organised a Corporate and Commercial Loans – Refresher Workshop, which was specifically tailored for supervisors with at least 5 years’ experience in the Supervision Departments.

Our Ms Hoh Kiat Ching was invited to conduct a workshop on 2 March 2016, to provide participants with an Overview of the National Land Code 1965 (NLC). In addition to topics pertaining to the types of land, caveats and collateral/security for financing, Kiat Ching elaborated on the requirements under the NLC for preparing and completing instruments of transfer and charge. Examples of various types of issue documents of titles as well as instruments of dealings and caveats were shown to the participants, to aid in their understanding of the topics covered, and Kiat Ching also shared some real life cases with them.

