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Seminar on Competition Law In Action

The Kuala Lumpur Bar is will be hosting a seminar on Competition Law In Action to examine the key topics in the field of competition law from the national and regional perspectives and is now open for registration.

Our team from the Competition & Anti-Trust Law Deparment comprised of Mr T. Sudhar (Deputy Head, Competition & Anti-Trust Law Deparment), Ms Winnie Chan and Mr Mohd Imran Adnan will draw on their knowledge of the latest cases in Competition Law and first hand experience in handling related enforcement cases from a regulator’s and practitioner’s perspective.

Details of the seminar are as follows:

Date    : Friday, 31 March 2017
Time   : 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Venue : KL Bar Auditorium
4th Floor Wisma Hangsam
No 1, Jalan Hang Lekir
50000 Kuala Lumpur

More details and online registration is available at the KL Bar website.
