LL.B. (Hons) (London)
Barrister-at-Law, Gray’s Inn, London
Practice Areas
Intellectual Property
Information Technology & Licensing
Competition & Anti-Trust Law
Telephone Extension Number – 370
Email: [email protected]
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Michael Soo is a Barrister at Law, Gray’s Inn, England and Wales; an advocate and solicitor of High Court of Malaya and the Supreme Court of Singapore. He is the current Managing Partner of Shook Lin & Bok. He joined the firm in 1993 as a partner and is the head of the IP and IT Department. Michael was a past president of the Malaysia Intellectual Property Association (“MIPA”), and was the immediate past president of Asian Patent Attorneys Association, Malaysia Country Group, and is currently a vice president (International) and a councilor of Asian Patent Attorneys Association (“APAA”). He was a member of the Copyright Law Review Ad-hoc Committee, under the Attorney General’s Chambers, Malaysia, and is a member of the IP Committee of the Bar Council of Malaysia since it was established in 2002.
He has practised exclusively in all areas of IP law, with emphasis on enforcement and civil litigation, for over 35 years. He has appeared as lead counsel or co-counsel in a number of infringement and/or passing-off actions before the High Court, Court of Appeal and Federal Court (formerly known as Supreme Court). In addition to advisory and litigation work in all areas of intellectual property law, he has initiated, conducted and concluded settlement negotiations involving intellectual property rights leading to amicable resolution of disputes before litigation as well as cases pending before the courts. He has on many occasions been asked by potential litigants or their legal counsel in cases where he was not representing either party to give a non-binding opinions, as an informal guideline or basis for settlement negotiations.
Michael Soo is a panelist of domain name dispute resolution administered by Asian International Arbitration Centre in Kuala Lumpur and a Domain Name Dispute Panelist of HKIAC and had adjudicated on a number of domain name dispute cases. He is active in several international professional organisations including International Trademark Association (“INTA”), APAA and Inter-Pacific Bar Association. He was the chair of INTA Asia Pacific sub-committee of geographical indications for more than once.
Michael has presented papers on intellectual property law in seminars and conferences organised by the Bar Council of Malaysia, and at several international, regional and local conferences including the 12th Commonwealth Law Association Conference and several seminars and conferences organised by World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”). He lectured on copyright and design law for the Patent Agent Examination since its inception in 1997, and on intellectual property law at the Institute of Judicial and Legal Training (ILKAP), of the Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia. Michael also regularly contributes articles and updates on IP in leading magazines.
Professional Membership
- President, Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA) [2004-2006]
- Member, Intellectual Property Committee, Bar Council Malaysia
- Member, Information Technology and Cyberlaws Committee, Bar Council Malaysia [2004-2008]
- Member, Copyright Law Review Ad-Hoc Committee, Attorney General’s Chambers, Malaysia [2004-2008]
- Member, International Trade Mark Association (INTA)
- Member of INTA’s International Panel of Neutrals (an Alternative Dispute Resolution [ADR] program – the first person appointed for Malaysia in April 2003
- Overseas Member, The Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, United Kingdom
- Member, Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA)
- Member, Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA)
- Member, LawAsia (Law Association of Asian Countries)
- Member, International Association for the Protection on Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Member, ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (ASEAN IPA-South East Asian Association of Countries)
- Member, Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)
- President and Councilor, Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) [2006-2009; 2009-2012 and 2012-2015]
- Member, Management Committee of APAA Country Group, Malaysia [since 1997]
- Member, and former Honorary Secretary, of The Licensing Executives Society (LES), Malaysian Chapter [1994-1995]
Michael Soo was listed under the Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2014 as a recommended lawyer in the area of Intellectual Property.
“Michael Soo is widely regarded as one of the most prominent IP litigators in Malaysia and heads this firm’s practice. He led the team in defending Fraser & Neave in the case brought by Tropicana Products.” – Chambers (Asia-Pacific) 2013 accolades.
Michael’s work in Intellectual Property was rated in The Legal 500 [2009/2010], The Legal 500 [2010/2011], Chambers Asia [2009], Chambers Asia [2010] and Chambers Asia [2011].
“One of the oldest and largest firms in Malaysia, Shook Lin & Bok holds much sway on the IP scene, having long practised at the forefront of both the non-contentious and contentious arenas. It is particularly espoused for its superb civil infringement litigation skills, with senior member of the Bar Michael Soo leading the charge.” Always a top name to go to for complex litigation, “Soo is known for his ability to secure favourable decisions for his clients in challenging cases…” – World Trademark Review 1000, 2013 Edition.
“Shook Lin & Bok is another of Malaysia’s traditionally dominant IP players, with department head Michael Soo being one of Kuala Lumpur’s foremost practitioners, particularly in the IP litigation environment.” – The Legal 500 [2010/2011]
“Standout advocate Michael Soo is especially lauded for his defence work” – Chambers Asia [2009]
“Clients describe him as tremendous, very responsive, through and extremely knowledgeable about the whole region. He is someone I enjoy meeting – a tremendous lawyer and businessman.” – Chambers Asia [2010]
“Michael Soo is deemed a seasoned practitioner who is greatly respected by peers and clients alike. ‘He works harder and longer than many of his colleagues,’ remarks one commentator, adding that his ‘commitment and stamina are quite inspiring'” – Chambers Asia [2011]
“Michael Soo is the head of department and is regarded as a premier litigator and an active presence in the courts” – Chambers Asia [2012]
Leading individual in Intellectual Property – Legal 500 Asia Pacific [2013]