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Firm Establishes Competition & Anti-Trust Law department to meet the requirements of clients.

We are proud to announce the establishment of our Competition & Anti-Trust Law Department to enhance and streamline our provision of a diverse range of legal services in connection with the Competition Act 2010.

The administration and enforcement of the Act has been placed in the hands of the Malaysian Competition Commission (MyCC). Whilst the MyCC’s initial focus was on education and advocacy, the MyCC’s focus is now firmly on implementation and enforcement of the Act. Examples of steps taken by MyCC to implement/enforce the Act are as follows:

  • Enforcement action against Cameron Highlands Floriculturist Association (Dec 2012)
  • Rejection of Application for Individual Exemption by Nestle Sdn Bhd (Feb 2013)
  • Enforcement action against Pan-Malaysia Lorry Owners Association (PMLOA) (Oct 2013)
  • Grant of Block Exemption in favour of Liner Shipping Services (Dec 2013)
  • Enforcement action against Ice Manufacturers (Feb 2014)
  • Enforcement action against MAS and AirAsia (April 2014)
  • Enforcement action against Confection, Bakery Product Producers (September 2014)

The broad range of services provided by the department include:


  • Advice on all matters relating to competition law, including advice on compliance with the Competition Act 2010 and guidelines issued there under.
  • Representation and advocacy before the MyCC and appeals to the Competition Appeals Tribunal.
  • Appearance in Court.

The department is headed by Steven Thiru, who appears regularly in all levels of the courts and handles a variety of litigation matters that are related to regulatory laws and their enforcement. Steven has also appeared before statutory appellate boards, and has argued judicial review actions against decisions of these boards.

Deputy Head of the department T. Sudhar regularly advises on matters relating to competition law and has advised both local and foreign businesses on matters relating to the Competition Act 2010. Sudhar also regularly speaks at conferences and seminars on current and topical issues relating to competition law.
