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IFN Deal of the Year 2018

We are delighted to announce that Shook Lin & Bok has been named winner of the prestigious IFN Deal of the Year 2018 for Malaysia. This deal falls under the Social Impact category. This is a landmark RM500 million Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Islamic medium-term note based on the Islamic principle of Wakalah BI Al […]


Dari Meja Peguam

Mr. Chan Kok Keong, Senior Partner of Shook Lin & Bok was invited to be a guest on a TV programme called ‘Dari Meja Peguam’ which will be aired soon. He was joined by Yap Jyy Huey, a former associate of the Firm. The episode, hosted by Sarah Hilderbrant covered the subject ‘Hartanah’.  


Digital Currencies, Digital Tokens, Digital Exchanges And Its Operators – The Malaysian Regulatory Landscape

Two recent developments have impacted the Malaysian regulatory landscape in relation to digital assets, digital exchanges and their operators. Digital Currencies and Digital Tokens are Securities Firstly, the Capital Markets and Services (Prescription of Securities) (Digital Currency and Digital Token) Order 2019, which came into force on 15 January 2019, provides that digital currencies and […]


Announcement Of New Managing Partner And Deputy Managing Partner 2019

Shook Lin & Bok is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Michael Soo as the new Managing Partner of the firm effective 1st January 2019. Michael who heads the firm’s Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Licensing Department is one of the country’s top intellectual property lawyers. He is recognised as a lawyer who “is […]


Elevation Of Partners 2019

Shook Lin & Bok is pleased to announce the promotion of the following Partners as Limited Partners with effect from 1st January 2019: Banking & Finance Litigation and General & Civil Litigation Samuel Tan Lih Yau Building, Construction & Engineering, Arbitration (International & Domestic) and General & Civil Litigation Victoria Loi Tien Fen Labour & […]


CIArb International Arbitration Conference, Penang

Mr Lam Ko Luen, Senior Partner of Shook Lin & Bok spoke at the CIArb International Arbitration Conference 2018 recently held in Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang. During the session on regional developments in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Mr Lam spoke on the recent developments in arbitration in Malaysia. He shared the stage with fellow […]


Limitation Period – For Applications After Order For Sale

A recent Court of Appeal decision sent waves of consternation amongst financial institutions, when the Court decided that a bank was time-barred from pursuing any further applications to fix a fresh auction date, on the basis that limitation had set in more than 12 years AFTER the date of the Order for Sale. In the […]



Guidelines on Exchange Traded Funds On 26 November 2018, the Securities Commission (“SC”) announced a revision to the Guidelines on Exchange Traded Funds (“Revised Guidelines”) which will pave the way for the issuance of a more diversified range of exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) in Malaysia. The Revised Guidelines, which will come into effect on 2 January […]


CIBAFI & World Bank Conference

Mr. Jalalullail Othman, Senior Partner of Shook Lin & Bok was invited to be a panelist at the CIBAFI & World Bank Conference on Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions. This theme for this year’s conference was “Overcoming Challenges and Implementing Best Practices”. The objective of the one day conference was to reinforce both CIBAFI […]


Bar Council’s Committee’s Forum

Dr. Syed Adam Alhabshi (CPIF), Partner at Shook Lin & Bok was invited to be a panelist for the Joint- Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Syariah Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa Perbankan Islam Majlis Peguam Forum entitled “Pengurusan Harta Hibah Amanah Hartanah dan Harta Alih dan Perbankan Islam: Amalan dan Dokumentasi.” This Forum was held to shed some light […]
